John Lazzarotti
US National Sales Training Director
Duchesnay USA Pharmaceuticals

John has over twenty-five years of experience in sales and sales training leadership and in speaking and consulting extensively on the issues of sales and marketing excellence. John’s breadth and depth of experience and expertise has been featured in various business magazines (Future Pharmaceuticals, FOCUS (SPBT)). John began his career as a sales representative and rose to become the US National Sales and Training Director at various companies within industry. John is currently at Publicis Touchpoint Solutions working as the US National Sales Training Director for Duchesnay USA, a specialty pharmaceutical company. John helped launch US commercial operations in early 2013.

Please finish these sentences:

Sales training is… essential to EXCEEDING SALES GOALS.
Our sales trainers are…. sales leaders that teach expertise that DRIVE SALES.
Our sales force is…. developed and taught to hone in on those activities that DRIVE WINNING.
If I could change one thing about sales training, it would be… the perception that sales training is project focused and not sales goal focused.


John will be one of the distinguished presenters at the 4th Annual Pharmaceutical Sales Training and Development Conference.