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14th Annual

Medical Device & Diagnostic Packaging Conference

June 10-11, 2025 | Arlington, VA

Maximizing Sustainability Through Enhanced Packaging Design and Accurate Performance Testing To Reduce Cost While Surpassing FDA And International Regulatory Expectations

Program Overview

Join industry executives and professionals at this medical device packaging conference on exploring perspectives on innovative, cost-effective packaging design and evolving regulatory requirements so you can ensure compliance. Get clarification on ambiguous industry standards and identify areas for improvement within your current packaging systems through in-depth case-study presentations and group discussions. Presenters discuss methods to maintain package quality and product integrity while embracing sustainable materials and incorporating new design trends.

Foster a sense of collaboration and safely connect with peers and expert presenters at this intimately-sized program. Customize your experience and address your unique concerns during dynamic Q&A after each session. Our commitment to industry perspectives keeps the program focused on what matters and dynamic session types allow you to stay engaged.

Countdown to the Medical Device & Diagnostic Packaging Conference








Experience the Quality First Difference.

Learn from Industry Leaders

An exclusive experience with professional thought leaders provides you with direct insight into current solutions.

Keep up with Industry Trends

Learn through dynamic panel discussions, case studies and real world evidence on current topics directly related to your industry.

Exchange Ideas & Network

We provide a platform for your team to ask questions with experienced industry experts. The key to building your knowledge and seeing things from another perspective.

Find Solutions that Work for You

Insight and interaction are at the ready for you and your team. Collaborate with your peers, utilizing their insight and experience to accommodate your common challenges.

“There are some viable solutions out there and it’s great to know how to tap into them and how others have done so. I gained much insight and useful information from others who attended and participated. It was a very nice event. Q1 did a great job coordinating it.”

Joanna Jaime, Manager, Labeling & Packaging, Animas

Reach out to us with any questions.

Our team will respond promptly!

Aaron AVD
Aaron Van Dyke
Operations Director, Life Science
Q1 Productions
