8th Annual Medical Device Strategic Pricing Conference

September 11-12, 2018 | Charlotte, NC

Charlotte Marriott Southpark

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Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Blending Stakeholder Perspectives including IDN, Health System & GPO Contracting Decision Makers with Industry Experts Utilizing Advanced Pricing Models to Leverage Risk Agreements, Overcoming Competition & Transparency Concerns in an Evolving Reimbursement & Health Policy Environment

In the last decade, medical device manufactures, patients, health systems and everyone in-between has seen a shift in the way devices are purchased, paid for and reimbursed, supporting the value-based care movement. This shift has had a major effect on health systems, as they move from a pay-per service to pay-for performance platform, overall effecting the products they purchase and the care they provide. On the front end of this shift is medical device manufacturers who now have to consider (both innovatively and financially) the impact their product will have on a longer care cycle for a patient. This is where new pricing and contract models are coming into effect. Medical Device manufacturers are creating new pricing structures and pricing models to overcome the challenges health systems are facing, while trying to make a small profit. However, since the performance of the product long term plays into how hospitals and practitioners are paid, device companies are agreeing to take on “risk” if a product doesn’t meet the standards discussed in the contract. While there are several different pricing and contract models, the idea of “risk-sharing” is at the forefront of every medical device pricing strategy.

On top of these new risk-sharing pricing models, device manufacturers are still left navigating other challenges, such as; effects on industry, health system and insurer consolidations, pressure for the device price to support reimbursement (both for the patient and the hospital), the possibility of future price transparency, etc. Exploring these challenges with one another will be a tremendous benefit for each organization in attendance.

Based on previous conference feedback and the variety and abundance of topics that came up in research, we have designed a new format to this year’s pricing agenda. We will host 45 minute, small group boardroom style discussions to promote more peer-to-peer interaction and strategy sharing. With these small groups, we hope industry executives feel comfortable asking for advice, considering new possibilities, and going back to their teams with key takeaways and ideas. While this is ambitious for such a competitive market, we have asked some of the top industry executives to join us as group facilitators for each breakout, moderating the discussions and prosing the “tough’ questions.

NEW FOR 2018

  • Dynamic tracked sessions providing covering 25+ topics
  • Industry-led moderation of small group boardroom discussions
  • Increased customer supply chain & decision maker participation
  • Continued co-location with Device Strategic Accounts meeting
  • Pre-event team building opportunities available with new date pattern
  • Further team discounts available for industry group participation


Eric Jahnke | Sr. Marketing Manager | Q1 Productions
312.955.0424 | marketing@q1productions.com