Securing the Cloud:
Has the Cloud Changed Healthcare Forever?Has the Cloud Changed Healthcare Forever?
Security experts across the life sciences are facing new challenges each year. The transition to the cloud has introduced global and intangible resources to the industry. Utilizing cloud functions has created many multi-faceted changes within the industry including verification concerns, shorter research timelines, and stronger partnerships. So, how has the cloud really changed the life science industry?
It’s Lowering Costs
Utilizing cloud functions including computing and data storage are saving the industry major costs. These automated abilities are helping the industry streamline data solutions at a time when industry spending is especially scrutinized. Managing data off-site allows companies to free operating costs and enables the industry to partner with different, global resources if necessary. Multi-national companies in particular are poised to benefit from this change, expanding their cloud network to anywhere, anytime.
Rising prices of healthcare mean the industry must focus on each available avenue to cut costs where possible and deliver better outcomes for patients. Streamlining functions is crucial to this success. Unifying global companies and partnerships with the cloud has allowed companies to cut down on wasted transportation, security, and waiting costs while enabling quicker research and data analysis. Experts from anywhere in the world are now able to access and utilize the information they need to improve care.
It’s Enabling Comprehensive Healthcare
Lower costs and streamlined functions mean that the cloud is key to more comprehensive healthcare. Compiling mass amounts of data in one place aids teams in conducting intensive research and development without the added delays of sourcing information.
Technological advancements enable the cloud to act as a tool in a traditionally labor-intensive field. Connecting information to research and tests as they happen eliminates much of the worry and strain of traditional data cataloging. This has dramatically decreased the amount of time spent maintaining data and increased the time available to analyze and act on discoveries.
It’s Changing the Security Landscape
Though there are many forward-thinking uses of cloud storage and activities for the life science industry, the concerns associated with an intangible resource cannot be ignored. Following recent data hacks around the globe, the cloud is now being scrutinized for its security errors. As a global resource for patient and industry data, it can be accessed by employees at any point in time. This means that the verification process is crucial to ensuring the right people are accessing the right information.
Likewise, ensuring employees are not distributing cloud access information means security measures must move beyond traditional protection. Experts whose field is reliant on cloud functions should be testing system strength from the inside as well as continuing to focus on external system protection. While outside strength is important, testing and measuring internal system reliability is key to combating future cyber-attacks.
These attacks do little to curb patient trust in life science data storage. As the life science industry moves closer to patient-centricity, consumers are gaining more say in how their information is used and stored. Utilizing the cloud as a “one-stop-shop” for data is forcing the industry to weigh and co-mingle ease of use and cost vs. patient security concerns.
Looking Forward
The cloud is creating a more streamlined industry. Allowing global use, cutting costs, and creating more comprehensive care are just a few of the many reasons the biggest industry is choosing to incorporate the cloud. For many security experts, however, this presents an ever-evolving challenge.
To learn more about securing the cloud, and the cloud’s impact across the life sciences, register for the Life Science Information Security Conference, September 21-22 in Philadelphia, PA.